Light House Projects under construction at various parts of India is Demonstrated in Lucknow. This Mela was very helpful to learners and Interested Scholars to understand the various 6 techniques promoted in all over India.
This Housing Technology Mela was proved very useful to demonstrate new Emerging Technology for fast pace, Sustainable and Economic Building Construction.Now the faster pace of construction with sustainability is a need of Urban Housing. LHP and Indore and DHP at Bhopal are Live Laboratory to Understand the Methodology. DHP technology is Demonstrated along with 6 new Technologies at Technology Mela organized at Lucknow UP. Overall Objectives has been achieved through this Exhibition. Such type of Demonstration is Needed in Other part of Country will be helpful to spread the Innovations of Building Techniques.

Indian Housing Technology Mela (IHTM) aimed to bring together innovative indigenous construction technology and material providers, innovators, entrepreneurs involved in low and mid-rise housing (upto four storeys) and end users at a common platform to achieve affordability, sustainibility, disaster resiliance while facilitating faster construction. It created a unique platform for cross learning and networking.

With 100 participants and 79 technologies covering different aspects of construction of low to medium height houses on display, IHTM has turned out to be the biggest attraction for builders, homebuyers, the construction industry and other industrial and professional bodies associated with the housing sector. Participants at the IHTM displayed a wide range of technology, like innovation in cement and concrete, environment-friendly and employment generating indigenously developed bamboo corrugated roofing sheets and ridge cap and bamboo wood.
Block made from crop residues and industrial waste of fly ash, lime sludge and slags from steel industry; pre-cast clay hollow blocks made of silt and industrial waste, insulated roofing and walling components, integrated cost effective precast concrete solutions; light gauge steel structural systems were Also on display.
Stay in place form work system, innovative door system, new generation waterproofing and construction chemicals, earth quake resistant confined masonry etc.
Many of the technologies have great potential to be used across the country for construction of low to medium houses, including individual houses constructed under Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) vertical of PMAY (U). IHTM is displaying compressed stabilised mud block system from Auroville, Puducherry. It also demonstrates robotic block laying machine developed by a start-up from Hyderabad.

Overall Performance was quite Satisfactory and the Technology Mela seems to fulfil the Objectives. Hence this Event deserve the 5 star Rating.